Get Your Dog A Nutritious Food Kit From The DeFly Ball NFT Marketplace!

Defly Ball
6 min readJan 18, 2022


“The foods we choose make a difference.” Michael Greger. The DeFly Ball’s dog is not a common dog but an athletic one. To beat the rest, your dog needs the necessary nutrients to perform the best in the race. You must be conscious enough to feed your dog to meet its hunger and basic nutritional needs that it needs after training or the race.

To give you the complete gaming atmosphere, DeFly Ball introduces the Food Kits for your dogs. These food kits contain all necessary nutritious food items that your dog needs to fulfill its cravings and post-workout necessity. Each food kit available in the Food Pantry is different from the other. It’s not about ‘one size fits all.’ But it’s about, you need to get a food kit that your doggie needs by consulting a Dog nutritionist there. It could be a need to support joints and tendons movements, skincare, stamina, brainpower, healthy gums, etc.

To get a food kit for your champ, you need to buy it in the DeFly Ball NFT Marketplace with $DEFLY Tokens. As it’s an NFT marketplace, you can buy, and sell as well the food kits. DeFly Ball is hence not just a 3D dog race game based on Blockchain technology but also an NFT marketplace where you can trade.

Hail to the DeFly Ball — a play-to-earn game!

DeFly Ball Food Kits

Food is not just about removing craving or hunger but the important nutrients your dog needs for racing. The source of nutrients could be a veggie, steak, proteins, rice, bone, meat, fruit, or any other thing. You need to buy a food kit that fits your dog’s needs for agility, stamina, temperament, and speed.

Gubbin Kit:

This food kit contains steaks and veggies for the better boosting stamina of the dogs.

Animal-based proteins from steaks of Chicken, Turkey, Lean ground beef, pork, chuck steak, or roast help dogs to grow strong. Steaks are excellent sources of Proteins that boost the agility and speed of dogs.

On other hand, vegetables play a vital role in the better ability of the dogs. Veggies are an excellent source of vitamins especially vitamin C and B6, potassium, fiber, carbohydrates, calcium, minerals, iron, etc. These nutrients boost energy, improve digestion, stimulate the muscles and bones of your dog. Veggies could be corn, potatoes, carrot, peas, green beans, cabbage, onions.

Jarvis Kit:

This food kit is designed for improving the temperament of dogs when they get training and race in the stadium against their opponent. Kibble and fish consumption helps dogs to maintain their temperament.

Poor canines (dog’s teeth) often tease the dogs while the ball phase. But Kibble has come to rescue your champ’s canines in the Jarvis kit. Kibble is so beneficial in reducing canine plaque, making gums healthier, and reducing the bacteria risks. Not only that it greatly actives the metabolism and give a boost to maintain the dog’s stable body weight.

On other hand, Fish is a novel protein source that helps dogs in stamina and agility. It’s an animal-based protein that is rich in amino acids. Fish has naturally Omega-3 fatty acids, very beneficial for the dog’s healthy skin and coat. Fatty acids also reduce food allergies by maintaining them.

Remember to prefer Kibble over dry dog foods. Dry dog foods are very high in carbohydrates that cause high levels of aggression and sometimes allergy to dogs.

Mega Kit:

It’s a ready-steady-go food kit that makes your dog ready for the race. Mega food kit contains chicken, beef, and brown rice. These food items are proven to be helpful in increasing the speed of the dogs.

Chicken is a good source of energy and protein. It’s lean meat that is easily chewable by its canines and also easily digestible. It’s also a great source of amino acids and Omega-6 fatty acids that builds lean muscle mass and also help the dog to shine. A chicken can be harmful to dogs as well that’s why DeFly Ball has a dog nutritionist to take care of your boy.

Another feast in the mega kit is a Beef lean. Beef is high in protein than a chicken but it contains other nutrients that chicken doesn’t and also chicken contains some nutrients that beef doesn’t. That’s why the mega kit contains both proteins lean meat that has other potential benefits too in a balanced way when consume together. Beef contains iron, selenium, zinc, and vitamins B3, B6, and B12.

Mega kit contains Brown rice too. It’s an easily digestible carbohydrate especially for dogs with upset tummies. It contains so many minerals that make it a must to consume along with chicken and beef. Brown rice for dogs is an excellent source to improve cognitive functions.

Treatos Kit:

Treatos kit is best for the conditions: post-training, pre-tournament, and post-tournament. It’s highly nutritious that boosts the energy levels of the dogs.

Treatos kit contains invigorating treats that are rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, water, vitamins, and minerals. They are 6 basic nutrients that give energy, keep skin and hair healthy, and strengthing the bones and canines of your dogs. Treatos kit builds the basic functions of the dog’s body and can be taken as a regular diet.

Spank Kit:

It’s a kickass start food kit that gasps your dog to improve brainpower and agility and make them smart.

The spank kit contains salmon and salmon oil. Both are high in Omega-3 vitamins that help proper brain functioning. Omega-3 reduces post-training muscles’ soreness. Omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish contain a component called DHA. This aids the proper brain and eye development of your dogs. DHA improves cognitive bones function and canine cognitive dysfunctions. A spank kit makes your dog super adaptive and adept.

About DeFly Ball:

DeFly Ball got the credit of being the only Flyball-centric 3D GameFi. With the combination of FlyBall and GameFi, DeFly Ball is without a doubt, the rebirth of the FlyBall sport in the 3D DeFi. Like real, you’ll experience the same here, the dogs, their training, audience chanting, and levels winning. You can buy the in-game characters in the form of in-game valuable NFTs assets and trade them in its NFT marketplace.

DeFly Ball is an e-sport NFTs Blockchain GameFi that welcomes NFTs enthusiasts, creators, investors, gamers, to function as one community and make them Play to Earn.

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Defly Ball

Written by Defly Ball


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